Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vavoom Advertises

Welcome to my very first blog post designed to keep everyone updated on what I have been doing and what is coming up. In late April Vavoom began advertising in Hamilton Magazine which reaches 152,000 readers monthly! It’s time to get Vavoom out there.

As this was my first ad I was torn if only for a moment as to use a "stock" photo or put out a casting call, find a photographer, run a test shoot and create my own image for this ad. In the end, I worked with a very talented Tracy Gibbs, a local photographer who has an eye like no other. We've become fast friends and I look forward to continued creative collaborations with her.

I am very proud of our first attempt and I am thrilled that ours was placed top center on the page of "A Better You" feature page!


  1. Excellent ad Alycia...your business sure is booming! It is only a matter of time until everyone sees your talent. Cari:)

  2. Thank you Cari! Couldn't do it with supportive friends like you :)


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